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Edit an Issue

You update issues associated with an event to reflect recent developments. For each issue, you associate users and other incidents, and you specify the status, classification, action, and resolution.

From the View issue dialog, you can also add a comment, send an email to associated users, and inspect the issue history.

To update an issue

  1. Click an event title in the search results screen.

    The event details and event toolbar are shown at the bottom of the screen.

  2. In the Audit pane, click View Issue next to the issue that you want to update.

    The View Issue dialog opens.

  3. Make you necessary changes and (optionally) add a comment.
  4. (Optionally) Click Send Email to compose a message to the originator and the users associated with this issue. You can attach the original file that prompted the event, or a link to it.
  5. Click OK to update the issue with your changes.

More information

Multiple Issues Per Event

Audit Settings