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IPSec Is Not Decoded

How does the NBA handle IPSec frames?

  1. If the NBA encounters IPSec frames, it will pass them through without analysis. The NBA does not decrypt IPSec frames.
  2. If the NBA encounters IPSec NULL frames, it consolidates them into objects for analysis, but prevention is not possible.
  3. If the NBA encounters an HTTPS session running over IPSec NULL, it cannot decode that session and passes it through without analysis.

Bivio 7000 Does Not Support SNMP Using IPv6

When you set SNMP parameters on the console, the file /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf is written. If you need to enable SNMP access over IPv6, configure it as follows:

Follow these steps:

  1. Set all the parameters available on the console.
  2. Log in as root.
  3. Edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf as follows:
    1. Duplicate the two "com2sec" lines and change the new lines to start with "com2sec6".
    2. Replace the "agentaddress" line with
      agentaddress udp:161,udp6:161
  4. Restart the SNMP agent using these commands:
    nrsp stop nba_eventagentx
    nrsp stop nba_svcagentx
    nrsp stop snmpd
    nrsp start snmpd
    nrsp start nba_svcagentx
    nrsp start nba_eventagentx

Note: If you have SNMP write access enabled, this can be done by running /home/nba/bin/webgui/gui/cgi-bin/