Reviewers and administrators cannot connect to the BusinessObjects Enterprise database from the Central Management Console (CMC).
Perform the following tests in sequence to diagnose the problem:
Find this utility here in C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\ on your reports server.
If these tests are all successful, continue to step 2.
mysql -p -u sa
Note: Do not log in using a super user or impersonation command because you may bypass problems.
If these tests are all successful, continue to step 3.
SHOW DATABASES; USE boe120; SHOW TABLES; SELECT * from cms_relations6 LIMIT 0,1; QUIT
The first command lists the available databases.The next command connects to the BusinessObjects CMS database. The next command selects one row from a table (this is a simple test to determine whether you have permissions against that database). The final command quits from MySQL.
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