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BusinessObjects Enterprise: CMC Cannot Connect to BusinessObjects Database


Reviewers and administrators cannot connect to the BusinessObjects Enterprise database from the Central Management Console (CMC).


Perform the following tests in sequence to diagnose the problem:

  1. Start the 32-bit ODBC Connection Manager, odbcad32.exe.

    Find this utility here in C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\ on your reports server.

    1. Test the BusinessObjects CMS connection to verify that the database service is running.
    2. Verify that the database is contactable from reports server.
    3. Verify that the ODBC connection is using a valid user and password.

    If these tests are all successful, continue to step 2.

  2. Test whether you can log in to the BusinessObjects CMS database directly. Use the account credentials that ODBC connection uses. For example, on a MySQL BusinessObjects CMS:
    1. Go to \Program Files\CA\SC\CommonReporting3\MySQL5\bin
    2. Run the following command and enter the password when prompted:
      mysql -p -u sa

    Note: Do not log in using a super user or impersonation command because you may bypass problems.

    If these tests are all successful, continue to step 3.

  3. (MySQL databases only) Enter the following commands, one line at a time:
    USE boe120;
    SELECT * from cms_relations6 LIMIT 0,1;

    The first command lists the available databases.The next command connects to the BusinessObjects CMS database. The next command selects one row from a table (this is a simple test to determine whether you have permissions against that database). The final command quits from MySQL.