When administrators browse documents in the Central Management Console (CMC), they can see the CA Reports folder, but they cannot see the CA DataMinder Reports subfolder.
Note: The full path is Documents/Public Folder/CA Reports/CA DataMinder Reports.
The CA DataMinder-specific content for BusinessObjects Enterprise did not install successfully.
Follow these steps to determine whether the Universe installed correctly.
InstallUninverse.bat installs the Universe.
New entries are appended to the end of the log file, so inspect the final entries. Example errors in biconfig.log include the following:
ERROR ReportingDeployUtility - Error connecting to the BusinessObjects system. Error: Server bo-srvr:6400 not found or server may be down (FWM 01003) - Check the BOXI server is up and the BOXI server name and port are correct
ERROR ReportingDeployUtility - Error connecting to the BusinessObjects system. Error: Enterprise authentication could not log you on. Please make sure your logon information is correct. (FWB 00008) - BOXI users (e.g. Administrator) credentials may have been entered incorrectly
ERROR BaseConfigurationHandler - Error setting the enterprise authentication properties. Error: Index: 0, Size: 0 - The BOXI user account used to install the universe and reports may not have enough privileges install.
Note: Other errors relating to the database connection are not available in biconfig.log, because these errors are not verified during the installation. If the database connection is configured incorrectly, you see an error when you attempt to run a BusinessObject report for CA DataMinder (see step 4 below).
Verify that you did supply the correct server and port details by logging on to the BusinessObjects CMC.
If you see this message, verify that the BusinessObjects CMS service is running. Log on to the BusinessObjects Central Configuration Manager (CCM). Then verify that the web server, application server, Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) and all sub-services are running.
Note: The 'CMS' in these instructions is the BusinessObjects Central Management Server, which manages the entire BusinessObjects Enterprise system. Do not confuse this BusinessObjects CMS with the CA DataMinder Central Management Server.
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