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Root Policy Node

Use this parameter to limit the policies or policy classes represented in dashboard charts. By default, dashboard charts include all incidents in the data warehouse. However, you can use this parameter to restrict policy charts to include only incidents associated with specific policies or policy classes.


This parameter specifies a list of integer ClassUID values (in decimal) for policy classes as listed in the Wgn3ClassificationNode database tables. All policies in the subtree of any specified ClassUID node are included in dashboard charts.

By default, this parameter is set to 3000000 and 4000000. These ClassUID values represent the root nodes for predefined and custom policies respectively. If necessary, you can set include this parameter and explicitly set it to different ClassUID values.

SQL Server

Note: If you specify a custom root policy node but later want to revert to the default ClassUID values, set this parameter explicitly to 3000000 and 400000. Simply omitting this parameter from the data warehousing job does not reinstate the default root policy nodes.


To display only incidents captured by Compliance policies (ClassUID 3020000), set this parameter to:


To display only incidents captured by Personally Identifiable Information (ClassUID 3010300) or Personal Health Information (ClassUID 3010400) policies, set this parameter to:

About Policy Classes

CA DataMinder contains several policy classes (such as Non Public Information). In turn, each policy class is implemented though various policies (such as Sales Information). For categorization purposes, you can associate individual triggers with a particular policy class. This information gets stored with an event's metadata when the trigger activates. All triggers support policy classes. You can then use the iConsole to search for events associated with a policy class.

Find details of how CA DataMinder stores policy classes as ClassUID values in the 'Policy Classification Nodes' section under the Wgn3ClassficationNode table description in the Database Schema and Views Reference Guide.