Use the following search text variables to detect words, phrases and symbols.
Matches any symbol (word, number, or punctuation).
Example: your %any%[,5] report matches your 2011 sales report.
Matches a single whole word. A word can only contain letters, and no numbers or symbols.
Example: your %word%[,5] balance matches your bank account balance but does not match your request. The balance because "request." includes a period and so is not classed as a word.
Only matches words. That is, the matched text must only include letters.
Example: %+word% ?? can only return words with two letters so if it is matched against see you at 11, it returns at.
Disables %+WORD%
Example: %+word% account *[,5]%-word% 123456 matches account number is 123456.
Matches the sequence of characters until the next white space, including punctuation.
Example: in the %string% folder matches in the \\ux-milano\sales\prospects folder.
Matches any text in a sentence up to the next period character. The match does not treat exclamation or question points as ends of sentences.
Example: merger %sentence% problems matches merger still faces problems.
Matches any text within a specified number of words, up to the next period, question or exclamation point. You can limit "word1 %SameSen% word2" to match within [n,m] words, where n is the minimum and m the maximum number of words that can match between word1 and word2.
Note: %SameSen% is a user-defined variable that is only available in the Foundation Policy Pack or iConsole Standard Policies.
quick %SameSen%[,5] dog matches The quick brown fox jumped over the dog. and quick dog. It does not match John was quick. The dog was brown.
merger %SameSen% problems matches merger still faces problems!
Matches to the end of the text buffer, where 'buffer' refers to the section of text being searched. Typically, this variables matches to the end of the email or document or, if matching backwards, to the start of the email or document.
Example: they lived %endbuf% matches they lived happily ever after. if this phrase occurs at the end of the document.
Matches any word starting with a capital letter.
Example: %cap% %cap% matches Spencer Rimmel but does not match spencer rimmel.
Must begin with a capital letter.
Example: %+word% %+cap% ? returns only single letter words in upper case, so if it is matched against A man in a hurry, it returns only A.
Disables %+CAP%.
Specifies case-sensitive matching.
By default, when triggers search for key words or phrases, these searches are case insensitive. Use this variable to switch to case-sensitive matching.
Example: %+matchCase%Shadow Chancellor only matches Shadow Chancellor.
(Default) Specifies case-insensitive matching. Use this variable in conjunction with %+matchCase% to revert back to case-insensitive matching.
Example: %-matchCase%Shadow Chancellor matches Shadow Chancellor or shadow chancellor.
Specifies the decimal code of a single Unicode character.
Example: %x169% matches the copyright symbol ©.
Matches any sequence of punctuation symbols.
Example: ID%punct% 1234 matches ID: 1234.
Example: %-matchSpace%ID%punct% 1234 matches ID: 1234 and ID-1234.
Only matches punctuation symbols. That is, the matched text must include punctuation symbols.
Example: %+punct% ??? matches !!!
Disables %+PUNCT%.
Example: %+punct% ???%-punct%??? matches !!!abc.
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