Subexpressions allow you to group together a section of the match, enabling you to specify repeats for whole sections of text, specify optional sections of text, or variations.
Subexpressions use the following syntax:
Curly brackets delimit sub expressions. That is, they group together two or more words. You can use sub expressions to specify complex patterns of search text. You also need curly brackets if the word contains numbers, even if it is a single word.
Example: Unipraxis does not need brackets.
Example: {Unipraxis Securities} does need brackets.
Example: Please could you|{your firm}|Unipraxis forward further information.
Example: The new slogan is {Go2Market}.
Note: Curly brackets do not affect user performance. For ease of maintenance, you can entirely enclose a search expression in curly brackets.
The pipe symbol "|" is an OR operator.
Example: spencer|frank matches spencer or frank.
Aborts all matching immediately for this expression. This subexpression can be used to specify a negation.
Example: The expression 1234{+%false%}[?] matches 1234 but not 1234+
In this example, the search matches 1234 initially. It then looks for a plus symbol (+). If one is found, the %false% variable forces the match to abort. If a plus symbol is not found, the search continues matching because the {+%false%} subexpression is optional.
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