Platform Deployment Guide › EML Conversion Utilities: Cnv2email and BB2email › About Cnv2email and BB2email
About Cnv2email and BB2email
This section introduces the EML conversion utilities, Cnv2email.exe and BB2email.exe. These utilities convert various types of message data into EML files (that is, Internet emails) that can be subsequently processed by policy engines and imported into the CMS. This section also describes how to configure policy engines to detect information stored in custom x-headers within the resulting EML files.
- Cnv2email.exe converts IM conversations saved in CNV files to EML files.
Note that CNV files are generated by the IM Import utility, IMFrontEnd.exe.
- BB2email.exe converts Bloomberg messages to EML files.
Note that Bloomberg messages are emails sent using Bloomberg terminals.

Cnv2email.exe and BB2email.exe
- Cnv2email.exe retrieves CNV files (1a) and converts them to EML e‑mails (3).
- BB2email.exe retrieves Bloomberg messages from XML dump files (2a) and converts them to EML emails (3).
- Custom x-headers in the EML files contain details about the embedded IM conversation or Bloomberg message.
- Policy engines detect the x-headers and use email triggers to process the EML files (for example, to apply smart tags).
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