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User Notifications

The Intervention setting in a control action enables you to block, warn or inform user, and to display a notification dialog, or send a notification email, containing an explanatory message.

In addition, Data At Rest actions enable you to replace a user's file with a file of the same name containing a message to the user and email control actions enable you to forward emails to another address, with the forwarded email included as an attachment or thread within a notification email.

In all cases, you can configure the text displayed to the user. Specifically, you can define the title and message in the notification dialog, and the subject and body text in the notification email, or the text of the replacement file. You can also use variables to customize the text content so it reflects the condition that caused the control trigger to activate.

This section contains the following topics:

Notification Dialogs

Notification Emails - Containing Forwarded Emails

Replacement Files

Variables in User Notifications and Email Replies

Variables in User Notifications for File Events