Specifically, each CMS or gateway uses a separate database hosted in the same instance of a SQL Server database engine. Each database requires a unique name. For this reason, CA DataMinder automatically assigns a unique database name when you install the CMS or a gateway.
For each SQL Server database, you will also need to create a login for CA DataMinder to use.
Example: Sharing a single SQL Server instance
The following is an illustration where multiple CMSs or gateways share a single SQL Server instance:
1 CMSs or gateways. 2 Server hosting a single instance of SQL Server. 3 Separate SQL Server databases for each CMS or gateway.
Example: Separate instances of SQL Server for each CMS
The following is an illustration where separate instances of SQL Server instance are used by each CMS or gateway:
1 CMSs or gateways. 2 Server hosting multiple instances of SQL Server. 3 Separate SQL Server instance for each CMS or gateway.
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