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This procedure is used when initially setting up Review Queue on an existing system that already contains event data that needs to be queued retrospectively as a one off exercise.

It takes as a parameter the date and time from which events are to be queued. It repeatedly calls POPULATE_QUEUE() to queue events from the specified date. The date and time are based on UpdateTimeStamps (that is, database load dates and not EventTimeStamps!). The number of events processed per invocation is determined by DERIVE_UPPER_BOUND_STUB_1() and GET_SAMPLE_SIZE_1() respectively.

For Oracle, the date must be specified in the standard format for the target database. This is normally 'DD-MMM-YY' but you can check this by running SELECT sysdate FROM dual;

For example. from SQL*Plus:

SQL> select sysdate from dual;

SQL> exec wgn_rq.populate_queue_from_date(1,'09-SEP-07');

If you need to specify a time portion for greater control, then specify the parameter as follows:

SQL> exec wgn_rq.populate_queue_from_date(1,to_date('09-SEP-07 02:15:30','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));