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This is the main procedure for populating the queue using the customizations and metrics previously outlined. To automate the Review Queue building (to run every 24 hours, for example), you can set up a task to run every 24 hours with a single call to this procedure.

By default, this procedure takes no parameters and the events that are considered candidates for Review Queue are those determined by DERIVE_UPPER_BOUND_STUB_1.

This procedure has three optional arguments: the process, and the upper and lower bound of events to consider for Review Queue. The last two override those determined by DERIVE_UPPER_BOUND_STUB_1.

The first parameter 'process' allows discrete sets of metrics and customizations to be identified and run independently, for example, daily versus monthly metrics. The upper and lower bound parameters are supported mainly for testing purposes; they are not intended for production use because the upper and lower bounds should be automatically derived using the appropriate customizations.