This section provides summary details about key parameters used in NBA import operations. Details of all available import parameters are available in the Archive Integration Guide; search for ‘parameters: Event Import’.
Important! This parameter is mandatory.
This parameter specifies which types of file to import from the NBA. Set it to:
For Import Policy jobs only.
Defaults to No. This parameter specifies how to implement Import Policy. When running Import Policy jobs to import data from the NBA, we strongly recommend that you set this parameter to Hub. The available options are:
Event Import passes imported NBA events to multiple policy engines via a policy engine hub (the policy engine connector). Running Import Policy jobs in hub mode ensures that you have sufficient capacity to process high volumes of data imported from the NBA.
Event Import passes NBA events directly to the local policy engine. This mode is not appropriate when importing data from the NBA.
Event Import stores NBA events in the local database without applying policy.
Defaults to 2. This determines the level of logging for the NBA import process. The default level only logs errors or important system messages.
Log entries are written to the evtimport_<instance name>_<date>.log file, where <instance name> is the name set by the Event Import service wgnimpsv.exe and <date> is the date and time when the log file was created; find this file in the system\data\logs folder.
Defaults to Yes. This parameter specifies where the capture date assigned to imported events is set from. If this parameter is set to:
The timestamp reflects the time and date in the email. It is based on the delivery time or time sent. If the email does not contain the delivery time or time sent, Event Import sets the timestamp to the time of import.
The timestamp reflects the time of import.
This parameter specifies a fully‑qualified path to the source folder for the import operation. This must be the pickup folder containing captured files or EML emails. (Before importing, you must previously have copied these items into the pickup folders from the \files and \mails subfolders of the NBA FTP folder.) For example, set this parameter to:
Defaults to No. This parameter specifies whether to search for matching files in subfolders below the source folder specified by File.Pathspec (see above). For NBA import operations, this parameter must be set to No.
Defaults to No. This parameter specifies whether Event Import repeatedly scans for and imports files specified by File.PathSpec or whether it shuts down after the input folders and files have been processed. Continuous import is necessary when Event Import is running as a service and perpetually scanning an input directory. For NBA import operations, we recommend you run continuous import operations.
When this parameter is set to Yes:
This parameter specifies whether to delete the source files after an import operation. It can be set to:
This is the recommended setting for NBA import operations. The source file is only deleted after a successful import operation. Handling for import failures is described below.
The source file is not deleted after import. This option is not supported if File.ContinuousInput=Yes.
The source file is always deleted, whether the import succeeds or not, and even if File.ContinuousInput=Yes (see above).
If File.DeleteAfterImport=Yes, any files that fail to be imported are moved into a \Failed subfolder.
First, Event Import creates a new subfolder below the \mails_from_NBA or \files_from_NBA folders. This subfolder has the same name as the Event Import host machine. Event Import then creates the \Failed subfolder below this host machine subfolder.
Example: If Event Import on machine UNI-KEEGAN fails to import an email, it moves the EML file into this folder:
Defaults to Yes. This parameter specifies how the capture date assigned to imported files is determined. If this parameter is set to:
The timestamp reflects the time and date when the file was last modified.
The timestamp reflects the time of import.
This parameter identifies which user policy to apply to imported files. It must be set to an email address followed by a comma and Yes or No. This address must match an address associated with a CA DataMinder user (as listed in the User Properties dialog in the Administration console). You need only specify this parameter if importing files as part of an Import Policy operation.
For NBA import operations, you may prefer to set up a dedicated ‘NBA user’ account on the CMS with its own email address. When the policy engine processes a file imported from the NBA, it maps this email address to the NBA user account and applies that account’s policy.
The Yes or No option determines whether this ‘policy user account’ is added to the list of event participants (in this case, the users associated with the imported file). If set to:
The specified account is added to the list of event participants. Choose this option if you want to apply a specific user’s policy to the imported file and associate that same user with the resulting file event.
The specified account is not added to the list of event participants. You typically choose this option if the ‘policy user account’ is not a real person, but simply an account that you use to apply a specific set of policy triggers. An ‘NBA user’ account falls into this category.
Defaults to No. Use this parameter to explicitly flag imported file events as being captured by the NBA. This enables you to search directly for NBA events in the iConsole or Data Management console. If this parameter is set to:
All imported files in the current job are flagged as NBA file events.
When you search for file events in the iConsole or Data Management console, NBA file events are identified in the Event Type column by icons and described as ' A file moving over the network'.
Imported files are not differentiated by import or capture source. When you search for file events, all file events (including those captured by the File Scanning Agent or imported from Windows machines) are represented in the Event Type column by icons and described simply as 'File'.
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