To enable notification emails, you need to set up:
If a policy engine applies a ‘Block with Notification’ control action to an email, the Socket API sends a notification email to a designated SMTP server. In addition to the usual Socket API setup, you must edit the registry on the Socket API host machine to configure a connection to an SMTP server. You must also define the notification sender’s address and add an ‘exemption domain’ to a custom email header:
This is the address shown in the From: field of the notification email (such as To define the notification sender’s address, you must edit the NotificationFromAddress registry value.
When the Socket API generates a notification email, it writes the name of a DNS domain to a custom header in the email. When the NBA detects this domain, it exempts the notification email from policy. To set this domain, you must edit the SMTPDNSHostName registry value.
For full details about configuring the Socket API, see the Archive Integration Guide; search for ‘Socket API, configuring’.
In scenario 2, the ‘blocking notification’ email is routed through the NBA. To ensure it can pass through the NBA without being processed, you must edit the NBA policy so that it can recognize emails sent by the Socket API.
To do this, edit the <enterprisednslist> policy tag in nbapolicy.xml so it includes the domain specified by the Socket API SMTPDNSHostName registry value, (see above).
<enterprisednslist> is described in the section for Settings tags.
You must edit the user policies for your ordinary users, setting up the Outgoing email control triggers and a control action to detect unauthorized emails and Webmails and apply a ‘Block with Notification’ control action. Use the Message To Users trigger setting to specify the body text of the notification email.
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