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Manually Run a Purge

This is the simplest method and is suitable for, say, evaluation and testing purposes.

  1. Suspend the CMS

    You can do this manually in the Administration console (see the online help for details) or you can run a command. From a command prompt in the \system subfolder in the CA DataMinder installation folder on the CMS, run:

    wgninfra -exec wigan/infrastruct/Infrastruct Suspend
  2. Run the purge

    Execute the wgn_roll_partitions procedure. The procedure prototype is shown in Set up rolling partitions section.

  3. Resume the CMS

    As before, you can do this in the Administration console or you can run this command:

    wgninfra -exec wigan/infrastruct/Infrastruct Resume
  4. Delete the blob files

    Finally, you need to purge the residual blob files. Run this command to purge the blob files marked for deletion:

    wgninfra -exec wigan/infrastruct/database/DBManagement PurgeBLOBs