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Run or Schedule a Partition-based Purge

When you run or schedule a partition-based purge, your purge procedure must incorporate steps to suspend the CMS and delete any corresponding blob files.

Suspend the CMS

The CMS must be suspended for the duration of any partition-based purge and then resumed when the purge is complete. This is because some key constraints are disabled during the purge, and suspending the CMS prevents new data being written to the database while these constraints are removed; suspending the infrastructure guarantees that all replication activity is paused for the duration of the purge.

Important! CA DataMinder consoles can still connect the CMS while it is suspended. For example, you can use the Administration console to amend policies on a suspended CMS.

Delete residual blob files

Partition-based purging will purge individual partitions but not the corresponding blob files. Although the associated blob files are not deleted by these purges, they are marked for deletion in the Wgn3BlobDeletion database table. This enables you to run a CA DataMinder command to delete these blobs after the partition-based purge completes.

The following sections describe how to incorporate these steps into procedures for:

More information

Link to a Scheduled Infrastructure-based Purge Using a Custom SP

Using a Third-party Scheduler

Manually Run a Purge

If a Purge Fails to Complete