Lookup (and lookupbyid) parameters allow the reviewer to look up values in the database to use as parameters to the search. The lookup procedure is invoked by a function. There are two standard functions for retrieving database values: Popup and Picker. These are described below.
The lookupbyid type passes the IDs of the selected items to the stored procedure and the textual values are passed as the report_value for inclusion on report headers. If the parameter name is prefixed with the reserved name '$GROUPS' the report value is populated with a list of the user's management groups when no groups are selected
Note: If the parameter name is prefixed with the reserved name '$GROUPS' the report value is populated with a list of the user's management groups when no groups are selected. The value passed to the stored procedure is still blank.
Note: If the user has the Admin: Disable Security Group Filtering privilege, the report_value is set to the top level group path.
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