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Configure the Number of IM Participants

You can configure how many participants the iConsole displays in the IM Message tab of the Search Results screen. To do this, modify the following values in the WebService registry key:



Data: Defaults to 0. Specifies the maximum number of participants from the original instant message to display in the IM Message tab of the Search Results screen. If this registry value is set to zero or does not exist, then all participants are displayed.

Note: Any participant names that have not been retrieved due to capping but appear in the message itself are displayed as <unknown>.



Data: Defaults to 0. Set this to 1 to specify that only the active participants of the original instant message are listed in the Message tab of the Search Results screen. That is, the participants that appear in the message lines of the IM event. If this registry value is set to zero or does not exist, then all participants are displayed.

Note: If EventDisplayMaxIMParticipants is set to a lower value than the actual number of active participants, then it overrides the value of EventDisplayIMActiveParticipantsOnly and only a subset of the active participants is displayed.