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Intervention Nodes

NodeUID values are decimal and start with 2. They refer to Intervention Classifications, referenced by the InterventionNodeUID column of the Wgn3EventParticipant table.

NodeUID    Tree                                     ClassUID      ClassName              
2000000  [intervention]                              2000000       WGNIN_ROOT            
2001000    +[web]                                    2001001       WGNIN_WEB             
           |  |                                                                          
2001001    |  +[blocked on viewing]                  2002001       WGNIN_VIEW_BLOCK      
2001002    |  |  +[with notification]                2004001       WGNIN_NOTIFY          
2001003    |  |  +[heeded warning]                   2004003       WGNIN_HEED_WARN       
2001004    |  |  +[heeded inform]                    2004005       WGNIN_HEED_INFORM     
2001005    |  |  +[silently]                         2004007       WGNIN_SILENT          
           |  |                                                                          
2001006    |  +[viewed]                              2002002       WGNIN_VIEW            
2001007    |     +[ignored warning]                  2004002       WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN     
2001008    |     |  +[auto]                          2005001       WGNIN_AUTO            
2001009    |     +[ignored informational]            2004004       WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM   
2001010    |     |  +[auto]                          2005001       WGNIN_AUTO            
2001011    |     +[personal]                         2004006       WGNIN_PERSONAL        
2002000    +[email]                                  2001002       WGNIN_EMAIL           
           |  |                                                                          
2002001    |  +[blocked on send]                     2003002       WGNIN_SEND_BLOCK      
2002002    |  |  +[with notification]                2004001       WGNIN_NOTIFY          
2002003    |  |  +[heeded warning]                   2004003       WGNIN_HEED_WARN       
2002004    |  |  +[heeded inform]                    2004005       WGNIN_HEED_INFORM     
2002005    |  |  +[silently]                         2004007       WGNIN_SILENT          
           |  |                                                                          
2002006    |  +[send]                                2003003       WGNIN_SEND            
2002007    |  |  +[ignored warning]                  2004002       WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN     
2002019    |  |  |  +[quarantine]                    2006001       WGNIN_QUARANTINE      
2002020    |  |  |     +[silent]                     2004007       WGNIN_SILENT          
2002021    |  |  |     +[with notification]          2004001       WGNIN_NOTIFY          
2002008    |  |  +[ignored informational]            2004004       WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM   
2002022    |  |  |  +[quarantine]                    2006001       WGNIN_QUARANTINE      
2002023    |  |  |     +[silent]                     2004007       WGNIN_SILENT          
2002024    |  |  |     +[with notification]          2004001       WGNIN_NOTIFY          
2002025    |  |  +[quarantine]                       2006001       WGNIN_QUARANTINE      
2002026    |  |  |  +[silent]                        2004007       WGNIN_SILENT          
2002027    |  |  |  +[with notification]             2004001       WGNIN_NOTIFY          
2002009    |  |  +[personal]                         2004006       WGNIN_PERSONAL        
           |  |                                                                          
2002010    |  +[blocked on receipt]                  2003004       WGNIN_RECEIVE_BLOCK   
2002011    |  |  +[with notification]                2004001       WGNIN_NOTIFY          
2002012    |  |  +[heeded warning]                   2004003       WGNIN_HEED_WARN       
2002013    |  |  +[heeded inform]                    2004005       WGNIN_HEED_INFORM     
2002014    |  |  +[silently]                         2004007       WGNIN_SILENT          
           |  |                                                                          
2002028    |  +[blocked on receipt: legal hold]      2003006       WGNIN_RECEIVE_BLOCK_LH   
2002029    |  |  +[accept]                           2004008       WGNIN_ACCEPT_LH          
2002030    |  |  +[reject]                           2004009       WGNIN_REJECT_LH       
2002015    |          
2002015    |  +[receive]                             2003005       WGNIN_RECEIVE         
2002016    |     +[ignored warning]                  2004002       WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN     
2002017    |     +[ignored informational]            2004004       WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM   
2002018    |     +[personal]                         2004006       WGNIN_PERSONAL        
2003000    +[appmon]                                2001003       WGNIN_APPMON            
           |  |                                                                           
2003001    |  +[blocked on viewing]                 2002001       WGNIN_VIEW_BLOCK        
2003002    |  |  +[with notification]               2004001       WGNIN_NOTIFY            
2003003    |  |  +[heeded warning]                  2004003       WGNIN_HEED_WARN         
2003004    |  |  +[heeded inform]                   2004005       WGNIN_HEED_INFORM       
2003005    |  |  +[silently]                        2004007       WGNIN_SILENT            
           |  |                                                                           
2003006    |  +[viewed]                             2002002       WGNIN_VIEW              
2003007    |     +[ignored warning]                 2004002       WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN       
2003008    |     |   +[auto]                        2005001       WGNIN_AUTO              
2003009    |     +[ignored informational]           2004004       WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM     
2003010    |     |   +[auto]                        2005001       WGNIN_AUTO              
2003011    |     +[personal]                        2004006       WGNIN_PERSONAL          
2004000    +[IM]                                    2001004       WGNIN_IM                
           |  |                                                                           
2004001    |  +[participated]                       2003001       WGNIN_PARTICIPATE       
           |  |                                                                           
2004002    |  +[blocked on send]                    2003002       WGNIN_SEND_BLOCK        
2004003    |  |  +[with notification]               2004001       WGNIN_NOTIFY            
2004004    |  |  +[heeded warning]                  2004003       WGNIN_HEED_WARN         
2004005    |  |  +[heeded inform]                   2004005       WGNIN_HEED_INFORM       
2004006    |  |  +[silently]                        2004007       WGNIN_SILENT            
           |  |                                                                           
2004007    |  +[send]                               2003003       WGNIN_SEND              
2004008    |  |  +[ignored warning]                 2004002       WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN       
2004009    |  |  +[ignored informational]           2004004       WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM     
2004010    |  |  +[personal]                        2004006       WGNIN_PERSONAL          
           |  |                                                                           
2004011    |  +[blocked on receipt]                 2003004       WGNIN_RECEIVE_BLOCK     
2004012    |  |  +[with notification]               2004001       WGNIN_NOTIFY              
2004013    |  |  +[heeded warning]                  2004003       WGNIN_HEED_WARN         
2004014    |  |  +[heeded inform]                   2004005       WGNIN_HEED_INFORM       
2004015    |  |  +[silently]                        2004007       WGNIN_SILENT            
           |  |                                                                           
2004016    |  +[received]                           2003005       WGNIN_RECEIVE           
2005000    +[file]                                  2001005       WGNIN_FILE
2005001       +[deleted]                            2007001       WGNIN_DELETE          
2005002       |  +[secure]                          2007004       WGNIN_SECURE             
2005003       +[replaced]                           2007002       WGNIN_REPLACE               
2005004       |  +[secure]                          2007004       WGNIN_SECURE             
2005005       +[associated]                         2007003       WGNIN_ASSOCIATE            
2005006       +[blocked in motion]                  2008001       WGNIN_IN_MOTION_BLOCK             
2005007       |  +[with notification]               2004001       WGNIN_NOTIFY            
2005008       |  +[heeded warning]                  2004003       WGNIN_HEED_WARN             
2005009       |  +[heeded inform]                   2004005       WGNIN_HEED_INFORM            
2005010       +[moved]                              2008002       WGNIN_IN_MOTION_MOVED           
2005011          +[ignored warning]                 2004002       WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN             
2005012          |  +[auto]                         2005001       WGNIN_AUTO            
2005013          +[ignored informational]           2004004       WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM             
2005014             +[auto]                         2005001       WGNIN_AUTO