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Participant Class Nodes

NodeUID values are decimal and start with 1. They refer to participant classifications, referenced by the ParticipantNodeUID column of the Wgn3EventParticipant table.

NodeUID    Tree                                     ClassUID      ClassName          
1000000  [participant]                              1000000       WGNPN_ROOT         
1001000    +[web]                                   1001001       WGNPN_WEB          
1001001    |  +[viewer]                             1002001       WGNPN_VIEWER       
1002000    +[email]                                 1001002       WGNPN_EMAIL        
           |  |                                                                         
1002001    |  +[sender]                             1002002       WGNPN_SENDER       
1002002    |  |  +[from]                            1003001       WGNPN_FROM         
1002003    |  |  |  +[internal]                     1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1002004    |  |  |  +[external]                     1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
1002005    |  |  +[sent on behalf of]               1003002       WGNPN_SOB          
1002006    |  |  |  +[internal]                     1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1002007    |  |  |  +[external]                     1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
1002027    |  |  +[reply_to]                        1003009       WGNPN_REPLY_TO         
1002028    |  |     +[internal]                     1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1002029    |  |     +[external]                     1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
1002008    |  +[recipient]                          1002003       WGNPN_RECIPIENT    
1002009    |     +[received_by]                     1003003       WGNPN_REC_BY       
1002010    |     |  +[internal]                     1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1002011    |     |  +[external]                     1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
1002012    |     +[to]                              1003004       WGNPN_TO           
1002013    |     |  +[internal]                     1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1002014    |     |  +[external]                     1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
1002015    |     +[cc]                              1003005       WGNPN_CC           
1002016    |     |  +[internal]                     1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1002017    |     |  +[external]                     1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
1002018    |     +[bcc]                             1003006       WGNPN_BCC          
1002019    |     |  +[internal]                     1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1002020    |     |  +[external]                     1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
1002021    |     +[received on behalf of]           1003007       WGNPN_ROB          
1002022    |     |  +[internal]                     1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1002023    |     |  +[external]                     1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
1002024    |     +[transport only recipient]        1003008       WGNPN_TRANSPORT    
1002025    |        +[internal]                     1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1002026    |        +[external]                     1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
1003000    +[appmon]                                1001003       WGNPN_APPMON       
1003001    |  +[viewer]                             1002001       WGNPN_VIEWER       
1004000    +[IM]                                    1001004       WGNPN_IM           
           |  |                                                                         
1004001    |  +[participant]                        1002004       WGNPN_PARTICIPANT  
1004002    |  |  +[internal]                        1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1004003    |  |  +[external]                        1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
           |  |                                                                      
1004004    |  +[sender]                             1002002       WGNPN_SENDER       
1004005    |  |  +[internal]                        1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1004006    |  |  +[external]                        1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
           |  |       		                                                               
1004007    |  +[recipient]                          1002003       WGNPN_RECIPIENT       
1004008    |     +[internal]                        1004001       WGNPN_INTERNAL     
1004009    |     +[external]                        1004002       WGNPN_EXTERNAL     
1005000    +[file]                                  1001005       WGNPN_FILE                     
1005001       +[policy_user]                        1005001       WGNPN_POLICY     
1005002       +[owner]                              1005002       WGNPN_OWNER     
1005003       +[creator]                            1005003       WGNPN_CREATOR     
1005004       +[associated]                         1005004       WGNPN_ASSOCIATED     
1005005       +[host]                               1005005       WGNPN_HOST    		
1005006       +[src]                                1005006       WGNPN_SRC     
1005007       +[dest]                               1005007       WGNPN_DEST