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General Backup Tasks

When you back up the CMS, you must perform these backup tasks irrespective of the type of database engine used on the CMS.

Backing up the CA Data Protection data folder

The CA Data Protection data folder holds all the configuration data and captured data used by your CA Data Protection installation. You need to incorporate this folder into your existing backup regime. We recommend you back up this folder every week. By default, when you install CA Data Protection this folder is added as a \Data subfolder in the installation folder, but you can rename it and locate it anywhere suitable on your network.

Backing up the master encryption registry key

The CMS uses a protected registry key to provide highly secure data management. If you need to restore the CMS, you will need to restore this registry key. To do this, CA Data Protection provides the data management utility wgnmgmt.exe for exporting and re-importing this key. Find this utility in the \Support folder on your CA Data Protection distribution media.

After installing your CMS, you must run wgnmgmt.exe on the CMS machine to export a password-protected file containing the necessary registry details. The command line syntax:

wgnmgmt e <filename> <password>

Where <filename> is the name of the target file, for example, master_encryption.dat. And <password> is the password you use to re-import the registry key. The password must be at least five characters long.

Important! Keep this file in a secure location, for example, on a floppy disk in a fire-proof safe.