Message Attribute lookups can be used to access information contained in an email that is not accessible through any other trigger. For example, they can detect whether emails are DRM-protected, digitally signed or encrypted. They can also detect outgoing emails based on their potential impact on network traffic.
Note: Message Attribute lookup exemptions are not appropriate for the ‘Sender’ incoming email trigger.
Syntax summaries and brief examples are given below.
Simple Commands
These commands test a simple True or False statement relating to a message attribute. For example, a command may test whether the number of recipients exceeds the maximum permitted, or whether the total message impact (the message size multiplied by the number for recipients) exceeds a maximum threshold. The syntax is:
msgattr WHERE <msgvar> <numericoperator> <msgvalue>
The simple example below detects all outgoing emails where the total message impact exceeds 1MB:
msgattr WHERE msgimpactkb > 1000
Complex Commands
You can also combine multiple commands using AND, OR and NOT operators. For example, you can combine two commands to test, first, whether an individual message exceeds a maximum size and, second, whether it is addressed to, for example, more than ten recipients.
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