These examples illustrate the various operators in Message Attribute lookup commands.
- The example below example detects all DRM-protected emails:
msgattr WHERE isDRMProtected
Note: DRM-protected emails cannot be detected by the CA Data Protection Notes endpoint agent or Domino server agent.
- The example below detects all digitally signed emails:
msgattr WHERE isSigned
- The example below detects all encrypted emails:
msgattr WHERE isEncrypted
- The example below detects all outgoing emails bigger than 50 KB:
msgattr WHERE msgsizekb > 50
- The example below exempts all meeting requests and responses to meeting requests:
msgattr WHERE messageclass IS ANY ("IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request","IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.*")
- The example below detects all outgoing emails where the total message impact exceeds 1 MB:
msgattr WHERE msgimpactkb > 1000
- The example below detects all outgoing emails with 10 or more recipients:
msgattr WHERE recipnum >= 10
- The example below detects all outgoing emails sent to more than ten internal addresses:
msgattr WHERE internalrecipnum > 10
- The example below detects all outgoing emails sent to more than one external addresses:
msgattr WHERE externalrecipnum > 1
- The example below detects all outgoing emails from specific users at Unipraxis to any user at CA.
msgattr WHERE (%sender% IS ANY {"",""})
AND (%recipient% labeled %which_recip% IS "")
- The example below detects all outgoing emails sent to 20 or more recipients in the To list:
msgattr WHERE tonum >= 20
- The example below detects all outgoing emails with no recipients in the Cc list:
msgattr WHERE ccnum = 0
- The example below detects all outgoing emails that do not have one recipient in the Bcc list:
msgattr WHERE bccnum <> 1
- The example below detects all outgoing emails where the total number of To and Cc recipients is over 20:
msgattr WHERE toccnum > 20
- The example below detects emails where the importance 'is not low'. In effect, it excludes emails with low importance and detects emails with normal or high importance:
msgattr where importancelevel <> 0
- The example below detects confidential emails with high importance:
msgattr where sensitivitylevel = 3 and importancelevel = 2
- The example below detects urgent emails:
msgattr where prioritylevel = 1