Previous Topic: Properties: CA DataMinder Import Metadata ResponseNext Topic: Configure Task: Invoke CA DataMinder Analyze Request

Set up CA Data Protection Task Routes

After creating the user-defined metadata that is needed to integrate Content Collector with CA Data Protection, you must apply that metadata to CA Data Protection task route(s).

To apply user-defined metadata to CA Data Protection task routes

  1. Launch the IBM Content Collector Configuration Manager.
  2. Click the Task Routes button to open the Task Routes pane
  3. Click the Add Metadata button New button to create a new CA Data Protection task route. You must base the new task on one of the CA Data Protection task route templates.

    The New Task Route dialog displays.

    The New Task Route dialog.

  4. Click the browse button ("...") to the right of the File location field.

    The Browse For Folder dialog appears.

  5. Browse to the \CA\CA DataMinder\ICC subfolder below the 64-bit CA Data Protection installation folder and click OK to close the dialog.

    The CA Data Protection task route templates are listed in the Choose a Template tab of the New Task Route dialog.

  6. Choose a task route template and click OK.

    For example, select the template for Exchange emails:

    CA DataMinder_CSS_EX_Archiving Template.ctms

    The new task route displays:

    Task Route tab

    Task Route screen: 1 Individual tasks in task route. 2 Task collector. 3 Task properties. 4 Activate check box.

  7. Click the following task to view its properties in the right-hand pane.
    Invoke CA DataMinder Analyze Request

    Edit the task properties for the Analyze Request.

  8. Click the following task to view its properties in the right-hand pane:
    Audit Log 

    Edit the task properties for Audit Log #1.

    Note: This is the Audit Log task that immediately follows the CA DataMinder Import Analyze Response Metadata task. It is the first of two Audit Log tasks.

  9. Click the following task to view its properties in the right-hand pane:
    Invoke CA DataMinder Commit Request

    Edit the task properties for the Commit Request.

  10. Click the following task to view its properties in the right-hand pane:
    Audit Log

    Edit the task properties for Audit Log #2.

    Note: This is the Audit Log task that immediately follows the CA DataMinder Import Commit Response Metadata task. It is the second of two Audit Log tasks.

  11. Switch to the Error Task Route and click the following task to view its properties in the right-hand pane:
    Invoke CA DataMinder Rollback Request task

    Edit the task properties for the Rollback Request.

  12. Now configure the task collector (‘SC Collect All Email’; see the previous screenshot). Click the collector to view its properties in the right-hand pane.
    1. In the Schedule tab, specify how often the task runs.
    2. In the Collection Sources tab, specify the email source, typically a Journal or Mailbox. For example, enter a mailbox SMTP address such as
  13. Click File, Save All to save the new task route.
  14. Now activate the task route. Click the collector to view its properties in the right-hand pane.

    In the General tab, select the Activate check box to activate the task (see the previous screenshot).

  15. Confirm that the IBM Content Collector Task Routing Engine service has started on the host server.

More information:

Configure Task: Invoke CA DataMinder Analyze Request

Configure Task: Audit Log #1

Configure Task: CA DataMinder Commit Request

Configure Task: Audit Log #2

Configure Task: CA DataMinder Rollback Request