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Configure the External Agent API

To configure the External Agent API, you need to edit values in the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ComputerAssociates\CA DataMinder 
  \CurrentVersion\External Agent API

Automatically Created Registry Values

Within the External Agent API registry key, you may need to edit the following automatically-created registry values:


Type: REG_SZ

Data: This specifies the full path to the EVF file cache, that is, the folder into which the emails will be written—see the diagram in ZANTAZ EAS integration. This path defaults to the \client\RDIcache folder on the External Agent API machine. You can edit the registry to specify an alternative location, for example, on a machine with more free disk space.


Type: REG_SZ

Data: (Used for EAS integration only.) Each message in the email archive is assigned to various categories. This registry value appends a category to this list for each message, marking it as ‘WGNHandled’. This is to prevent duplicate messages being moved into the EVF file cache. You can edit the registry to rename the default ‘WGNHandled’ category.



Data: This specifies a minimum level of free disk space on the machine hosting the EVF file cache—see above. This threshold defaults to 10MB. You can edit the registry to set a different threshold.

If free disk space falls below this level, no further messages are moved from the email archive to the EVF file cache until free disk space increases. Messages still awaiting conversion to event files and subsequent saving to the file cache are flagged accordingly.

As soon as free disk space does increase, these flagged messages are picked up when the email archive indexer process (in the case of EAS, this is IndexerService.exe) next runs. They are then removed from the archive, converted to event files and saved to the EVF file cache as normal. No messages are lost from this process because of insufficient free disk space.


Type: REG_SZ

Data: Used by archive integration agents to support regional archives. Change this value only if your organization requires multiple separate archive regions. Specify a short string that uniquely defines the region of the local archive.

Example: Geographic regions, such as "NA", EMEA", "APAC"

Default: Empty String

Note: The RegionTag value specified must match the value defined for the Remote Data Manager.

Manually Created Registry Values

In addition to registry values created automatically on installation, the following values are also supported. To use these registry values, create them manually in the External Agent API registry key.



Data: Defaults to 0, meaning 'false'. When the External Agent API converts Lotus Notes emails, this controls whether their participants are looked up in the Lotus Notes address books. Set this to a non-zero value (meaning 'yes' or 'true') to disable all address book lookups; set this to zero (meaning 'no' or 'false') to keep the default behavior of participants being looked up in the address books.


The External Agent API looks up participants in the address books.


Disables all address book lookups.

Note: If DisableNotesAddressLookup is non-zero, i.e. if address book lookups are disabled, the registry value DisableNotesDLExpansion is ignored (if it exists).



Data: Defaults to 0, meaning 'false'. Only used when the External Agent API converts Lotus Notes emails, and if address book lookups are enabled (see the registry value DisableNotesAddressLookup). This option controls whether participants which are Distribution Lists (aka Groups) are expanded into their constituent members. Set this to a non-zero value (meaning 'yes' or 'true') to disable the expansion; set this to zero (meaning 'no' or 'false') to keep the default behaviour of expanding Distribution Lists.


Enables the expansion of Distribution Lists (Groups) when the External Agent API converts Lotus Notes emails.


Disables the expansion of Distribution Lists (Groups) when the External Agent API converts Lotus Notes emails.

Note: DisableNotesDLExpansion is ignored if the registry value DisableNotesAddressLookup is set, and non-zero, that is, if Lotus Notes address book lookups are disabled. The DisableNotesDLExpansion option is meaningful only when DisableNotesAddressLookup does not exist or is set to zero, that is, if address book lookups are enabled.



Data: Defaults to 1. This specifies from where the capture date assigned to imported events is set.


The timestamp is set to the date and time in the email. It is based on the delivery time or time sent.


The timestamp is set to the date and time when the email was processed by the External Agent.



Data: Defaults to 0. This specifies whether audit emails are processed by the External Agent API. Set this to a non-zero value (meaning yes or true) to filter out audit emails. Set this to zero (meaning no or false) to make the External Agent API convert audit emails to CA Data Protection events.


The External Agent API converts audit emails to CA Data Protection events, this means, they are not 'ignored'.


The External Agent API filters out audit emails, this means, they are 'ignored'.

More information:


EVF File Cache Guidelines