Exchange Server 2007, 2010, and 2013 are modular systems, so your Exchange ‘site’ may include multiple Hub Transport servers or Mailbox servers. To enable server-side interactive warnings for these versions of Exchange, the Exchange server agent must exist on each Hub Transport server (Exchange 2007 or 2010) or each Mailbox server (Exchange 2013). The server-side interactive warnings procedure is summarized below:
1. A user sends an email. As it transits through Exchange (a), it is detected by the Exchange server agent (b) on one of the Hub Transport servers (Exchange 2007 or 2010) or Mailbox servers (Exchange 2013) and triggers a warning.
2. The Exchange server agent sends a warning email, with the offending original email included as an attachment.
3. If the sender replies to the warning, their email is released and sent on to its intended recipients. The event is saved on the CMS as a ‘disregarded warning’.
4. If the sender does not reply before the warning timeout expires, the email is not sent. The event is saved on the CMS as a ‘heeded warning’.
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