The sender of an email can receive a warning and, if necessary, a follow-up message from the email server agent. The text content of these messages is configurable, by using template text files referenced in the registry
This is the first message the user receives. It is sent automatically when the agent intercepts an email that has generated a warning or inform event. By default, the message has the user’s original email attached and states that it has triggered one or more warnings. It lists the warnings and advises the sender that if they want the email to be sent, they must reply to the warning message.
This message is automatically sent when the user replies to the warning message, but the original email is no longer on the Exchange or IIS server. In this situation, the user’s reply cannot be matched to the original email and so the email cannot be released and sent. Replies are matched to their corresponding emails by a unique ID in the Subject. The original email may no longer be on the Exchange or IIS server for any of the following reasons:
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