You create content agents in the Administration console.
Follow these steps:
The Select Agent Index Type dialog appears.
These content agents can detect protected files in their entirety. For example, if a user copies a protected file, wholly unchanged, to a USB drive, the content agent detects it.
These content agents can detect emails or files containing text copied from, or based on, a protected document. These agents have two key properties.
First, you can specify how much detail is stored in each document fingerprint. The level of detail affects the size of the content index associated with the agent.
Second, you can specify how sensitive the agent is when searching suspected emails or documents for protected content.
(Optional) You can designate a Text Detection agent as one created explicitly to reduce the number of false positives when used in conjunction with an ordinary content agent. For details, see Supplementary Content Agents to Reduce False Positives.
The Agent Properties dialog appears.
Specify the agent name and description and the Index Builder server. This server can be any server on your network hosting the CA Data Protection File Scanning Agent.
(Optional. Text Detection agents only) Specify supplementary agents to reduce the number of false positives. These agents identify and exclude from processing text extracts that are deemed benign or acceptable, such as corporate disclaimers.
(Optional) Specify the folder and file options, such as whether to fingerprint hidden files or files in subfolders.
(Text Detection agents only) Specify how much detail is stored in the fingerprint of a protected document. The more detailed the fingerprint, the more reliably an agent can recognize content originating from that document. However, a content index containing highly detailed fingerprints can be extremely large.
For details, see What Level of Accuracy Do I Need?
(Text Detection agents only) Specify how sensitive the agent is to the loss, or potential loss, of protected files and documents. You can use two methods to specify the agent sensitivity:
The new content agent is listed in Agents folder of the Content Registration branch.
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