(Applies to Text Detection content agents only)
A subsidiary content agent operates in conjunction with a parent agent to reduce the number of false positives detected by the parent content agent. The subsidiary agent identifies and excludes from processing any text that is deemed benign or acceptable, such as corporate disclaimers.
For example, if you have fingerprinted a series of confidential reports, each of which includes a corporate disclaimer, you do not want your content agent to positively flag every email or file containing this disclaimer. You can prevent this happening by specifying a subsidiary agent that has been configured to detect these disclaimers. When the subsidiary agent detects a disclaimer, the associated text is excluded from normal processing by the parent content agent.
You can designate one or more supplementary content agents when you create a Text Detection content agent. You can then create an index of digital fingerprints for each supplementary agent in the normal way. For example, you may want to create a text document containing your corporate disclaimer and generate a fingerprint of this document.
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