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Universe Requirements


The BusinessObjects Universe for CA Data Protection is installed on your BusinessObjects reports server. See the CA Business Intelligence Requirements section for details about this server.

The Universe itself has no special requirements.

Universe Installer
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

JRE 1.5 or later must be installed on your BusinessObjects reports server.

Note: JRE 1.6 is installed automatically when you install CA Business Intelligence 3.2.

JAVA_HOME Environment Variable

Set the JAVE_HOME environment variable to identify the JRE folder.

On reports servers with a 32-bit operating system, run this command:

SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\CA\SC\CommonReporting3\jre

On reports servers with a 64-bit operating system, run this command:

SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CommonReporting3\jre

These commands assume the JRE folder is in its default location. See the following section for details about JAVA_HOME.

'Start In' Folder

Run the installation batch file, InstallUniverse.bat, from the correct location.

Copy the \BusinessObjects parent folder from the CA Data Protection distribution image to a computer on your network. Then run InstallUniverse.bat from the \BusinessObjects folder on the target computer.

Note: We strongly recommend that you copy the \BusinessObjects folder to your BusinessObjects Enterprise server. Doing so avoids potential firewall problems when installing the universe.