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How to Set Up Content Agents

A registered content agent can quickly detect when a user tries to send or copy a protected file. To do this, it compares the file's digital fingerprint with the fingerprints of files that it is protecting.

To roll out content agents across your CA Data Protection enterprise

  1. Create your content agents. Do this in the Administration console.
  2. For each agent, you must specify which files it protects and its index type.

    For Text Detection agents, specify the agent accuracy and detection thresholds.

    Note: If you later change or extend the files protected by a specific content agent, you must rebuild the index and republish the content agent.

  3. Build an index for each content agent.

    The index contains fingerprints of the files you want the agent to protect.

  4. Publish the content agent.

    This process pushes the content index file onto the CMS and makes a fully functioning content agent available to your policy engines and endpoint agents. 

    Note: Until an index has been built and the content agent has been published, you cannot use the agent in user policy. Any trigger that uses an unpublished content agent will be unable to detect fingerprinted files.

  5. Assign content agents to triggers in your user policies.

More information:

To create a content agent

To add files that you want to protect

Build a Content Index

To publish a content index

Set up Content Agent Triggers