An organization often generates emails from one or more general sender mailboxes. These emails occasionally trigger policy and are usually of no interest to the reviewers. It therefore makes sense to exclude these senders from policy. There are several approaches:
If the sender matches an existing CA Data Protection user account, you can simply disable policy for the sender. You may therefore want to create a custom CA Data Protection user to represent one or more of the system mail senders.
For the example email above, you could create a CA Data Protection user called AutoSenders and assign the address to this account. You can now disable policy for this user by editing the user’s policy directly or editing policy for the group that contains this user.
If it is not practical to include the sender in the hierarchy, you can use data lookups to exclude the sender. This is normally the case when the sender is external. Depending on the scope of the excluded addresses, there are several valid approaches.
msgattr where %sender% IS {""}
If you want to exclude a specific internal sender, then the above command may not be sufficient. Typically, you need to specify the sender's EX address (this is the protocol used internally by Microsoft Outlook). For example:
msgattr where %sender% IS {"/o=globalcorp/ou=us/cn=announcement"}
Alternatively, use the following example to cover all possibilities:
msgattr where %sender% IS ANY {"","/o=globalcorp/ou=us/cn=announcement"}
Note: The Retrieve Full Sender Details For Emails? setting in the user policy is the key determinant on how sender addresses are handled. By default, this setting is True, meaning that CA Data Protection retrieves all the sender's address aliases.
msgattr where %sender% IS {"", "",…}
msgattr where %sender% IS ANY {"%ExcludedSenders%"}
Here, %ExcludedSenders"% is a user definition, included in each user’s policy, that specifies a long list comma separated list of addresses.
userattr with %sender% WHERE Wgn.Group IS NOT {"WhiteList"}
Note: When refining your Outgoing Email triggers, external senders are represented in the CA Data Protection user hierarchy by the ExternalSender user account. If you want to apply Data Lookup filters to external senders, make sure you edit the triggers for the ExternalSender user
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