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CA Data Protection Infrastructure Database

The following counters are relevant to the infrastructure database:

Active connections

The number of database connections active at one time.

Connection failures

The number of times a request for a database connection has been refused.

Connection waits

The number of times an infrastructure task has needed to wait for a database connection to become available.

Objects deleted

The total number of Objects deleted from the database.

Objects deleted/sec

The number of Objects deleted from the database per second.

Objects deleted elapsed time (ms)

The total time spent deleting Objects from the database in milliseconds.

Objects read

The total number of Objects read from the database.

Objects read/sec

The number of Objects read from the database per second.

Objects read elapsed time (ms)

The total time spent reading Objects from the database in milliseconds.

Objects written

The total number of Objects written to the database.

Objects written/sec

The number of Objects written to the database per second.

Objects written elapsed time (ms)

The total time spent writing Objects to the database in milliseconds.