The following counters are associated with attribute lookup (either from client machines or server side user matching):
The number of times the cache has been cleared down after, for example, a policy setting change has invalidated the cache.
The number of times a query has been satisfied with an entry from the cache.
The rate at which queries are being satisfied with entries from the cache.
The number of times a cache entry is used to indicate that there is no database entry.
The rate at which a cache entry is used to indicate that there is no database entry.
The number of times a query has not been satisfied by the cache, but a successful database query has been made instead.
The rate at which queries are not being satisfied by the cache, but successful database queries are being made instead.
The number of entries in the cache.
The number of times a search has failed because an entry is not found in the cache or the database.
The rate at which searches fail because an entry is not found in the cache or the database.
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