NodeUID values are decimal and start with 2. They refer to Intervention Classifications, referenced by the InterventionNodeUID column of the Wgn3EventParticipant table.
NodeUID Tree ClassUID ClassName 2000000 [intervention] 2000000 WGNIN_ROOT | 2001000 +[web] 2001001 WGNIN_WEB | | 2001001 | +[blocked on viewing] 2002001 WGNIN_VIEW_BLOCK 2001002 | | +[with notification] 2004001 WGNIN_NOTIFY 2001003 | | +[heeded warning] 2004003 WGNIN_HEED_WARN 2001004 | | +[heeded inform] 2004005 WGNIN_HEED_INFORM 2001005 | | +[silently] 2004007 WGNIN_SILENT | | 2001006 | +[viewed] 2002002 WGNIN_VIEW 2001007 | +[ignored warning] 2004002 WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN 2001008 | | +[auto] 2005001 WGNIN_AUTO 2001009 | +[ignored informational] 2004004 WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM 2001010 | | +[auto] 2005001 WGNIN_AUTO 2001011 | +[personal] 2004006 WGNIN_PERSONAL | 2002000 +[email] 2001002 WGNIN_EMAIL | | 2002001 | +[blocked on send] 2003002 WGNIN_SEND_BLOCK 2002002 | | +[with notification] 2004001 WGNIN_NOTIFY 2002003 | | +[heeded warning] 2004003 WGNIN_HEED_WARN 2002004 | | +[heeded inform] 2004005 WGNIN_HEED_INFORM 2002005 | | +[silently] 2004007 WGNIN_SILENT | | 2002006 | +[send] 2003003 WGNIN_SEND 2002007 | | +[ignored warning] 2004002 WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN 2002019 | | | +[quarantine] 2006001 WGNIN_QUARANTINE 2002020 | | | +[silent] 2004007 WGNIN_SILENT 2002021 | | | +[with notification] 2004001 WGNIN_NOTIFY 2002008 | | +[ignored informational] 2004004 WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM 2002022 | | | +[quarantine] 2006001 WGNIN_QUARANTINE 2002023 | | | +[silent] 2004007 WGNIN_SILENT 2002024 | | | +[with notification] 2004001 WGNIN_NOTIFY 2002025 | | +[quarantine] 2006001 WGNIN_QUARANTINE 2002026 | | | +[silent] 2004007 WGNIN_SILENT 2002027 | | | +[with notification] 2004001 WGNIN_NOTIFY 2002009 | | +[personal] 2004006 WGNIN_PERSONAL | | 2002010 | +[blocked on receipt] 2003004 WGNIN_RECEIVE_BLOCK 2002011 | | +[with notification] 2004001 WGNIN_NOTIFY 2002012 | | +[heeded warning] 2004003 WGNIN_HEED_WARN 2002013 | | +[heeded inform] 2004005 WGNIN_HEED_INFORM 2002014 | | +[silently] 2004007 WGNIN_SILENT | | 2002028 | +[blocked on receipt: legal hold] 2003006 WGNIN_RECEIVE_BLOCK_LH 2002029 | | +[accept] 2004008 WGNIN_ACCEPT_LH 2002030 | | +[reject] 2004009 WGNIN_REJECT_LH 2002015 | 2002015 | +[receive] 2003005 WGNIN_RECEIVE 2002016 | +[ignored warning] 2004002 WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN 2002017 | +[ignored informational] 2004004 WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM 2002018 | +[personal] 2004006 WGNIN_PERSONAL | | 2003000 +[appmon] 2001003 WGNIN_APPMON | | 2003001 | +[blocked on viewing] 2002001 WGNIN_VIEW_BLOCK 2003002 | | +[with notification] 2004001 WGNIN_NOTIFY 2003003 | | +[heeded warning] 2004003 WGNIN_HEED_WARN 2003004 | | +[heeded inform] 2004005 WGNIN_HEED_INFORM 2003005 | | +[silently] 2004007 WGNIN_SILENT | | 2003006 | +[viewed] 2002002 WGNIN_VIEW 2003007 | +[ignored warning] 2004002 WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN 2003008 | | +[auto] 2005001 WGNIN_AUTO 2003009 | +[ignored informational] 2004004 WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM 2003010 | | +[auto] 2005001 WGNIN_AUTO 2003011 | +[personal] 2004006 WGNIN_PERSONAL | 2004000 +[IM] 2001004 WGNIN_IM | | 2004001 | +[participated] 2003001 WGNIN_PARTICIPATE | | 2004002 | +[blocked on send] 2003002 WGNIN_SEND_BLOCK 2004003 | | +[with notification] 2004001 WGNIN_NOTIFY 2004004 | | +[heeded warning] 2004003 WGNIN_HEED_WARN 2004005 | | +[heeded inform] 2004005 WGNIN_HEED_INFORM 2004006 | | +[silently] 2004007 WGNIN_SILENT | | 2004007 | +[send] 2003003 WGNIN_SEND 2004008 | | +[ignored warning] 2004002 WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN 2004009 | | +[ignored informational] 2004004 WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM 2004010 | | +[personal] 2004006 WGNIN_PERSONAL | | 2004011 | +[blocked on receipt] 2003004 WGNIN_RECEIVE_BLOCK 2004012 | | +[with notification] 2004001 WGNIN_NOTIFY 2004013 | | +[heeded warning] 2004003 WGNIN_HEED_WARN 2004014 | | +[heeded inform] 2004005 WGNIN_HEED_INFORM 2004015 | | +[silently] 2004007 WGNIN_SILENT | | 2004016 | +[received] 2003005 WGNIN_RECEIVE | 2005000 +[file] 2001005 WGNIN_FILE | 2005001 +[deleted] 2007001 WGNIN_DELETE 2005002 | +[secure] 2007004 WGNIN_SECURE 2005003 +[replaced] 2007002 WGNIN_REPLACE 2005004 | +[secure] 2007004 WGNIN_SECURE 2005005 +[associated] 2007003 WGNIN_ASSOCIATE 2005006 +[blocked in motion] 2008001 WGNIN_IN_MOTION_BLOCK 2005007 | +[with notification] 2004001 WGNIN_NOTIFY 2005008 | +[heeded warning] 2004003 WGNIN_HEED_WARN 2005009 | +[heeded inform] 2004005 WGNIN_HEED_INFORM 2005010 +[moved] 2008002 WGNIN_IN_MOTION_MOVED 2005011 +[ignored warning] 2004002 WGNIN_IGNORE_WARN 2005012 | +[auto] 2005001 WGNIN_AUTO 2005013 +[ignored informational] 2004004 WGNIN_IGNORE_INFORM 2005014 +[auto] 2005001 WGNIN_AUTO
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