NodeUID values are decimal and start with 1. They refer to participant classifications, referenced by the ParticipantNodeUID column of the Wgn3EventParticipant table.
NodeUID Tree ClassUID ClassName 1000000 [participant] 1000000 WGNPN_ROOT | 1001000 +[web] 1001001 WGNPN_WEB 1001001 | +[viewer] 1002001 WGNPN_VIEWER | 1002000 +[email] 1001002 WGNPN_EMAIL | | 1002001 | +[sender] 1002002 WGNPN_SENDER 1002002 | | +[from] 1003001 WGNPN_FROM 1002003 | | | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1002004 | | | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL 1002005 | | +[sent on behalf of] 1003002 WGNPN_SOB 1002006 | | | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1002007 | | | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL 1002027 | | +[reply_to] 1003009 WGNPN_REPLY_TO 1002028 | | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1002029 | | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL 1002008 | +[recipient] 1002003 WGNPN_RECIPIENT 1002009 | +[received_by] 1003003 WGNPN_REC_BY 1002010 | | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1002011 | | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL 1002012 | +[to] 1003004 WGNPN_TO 1002013 | | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1002014 | | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL 1002015 | +[cc] 1003005 WGNPN_CC 1002016 | | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1002017 | | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL 1002018 | +[bcc] 1003006 WGNPN_BCC 1002019 | | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1002020 | | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL 1002021 | +[received on behalf of] 1003007 WGNPN_ROB 1002022 | | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1002023 | | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL 1002024 | +[transport only recipient] 1003008 WGNPN_TRANSPORT 1002025 | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1002026 | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL | 1003000 +[appmon] 1001003 WGNPN_APPMON 1003001 | +[viewer] 1002001 WGNPN_VIEWER | 1004000 +[IM] 1001004 WGNPN_IM | | 1004001 | +[participant] 1002004 WGNPN_PARTICIPANT 1004002 | | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1004003 | | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL | | 1004004 | +[sender] 1002002 WGNPN_SENDER 1004005 | | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1004006 | | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL | | 1004007 | +[recipient] 1002003 WGNPN_RECIPIENT 1004008 | +[internal] 1004001 WGNPN_INTERNAL 1004009 | +[external] 1004002 WGNPN_EXTERNAL | | 1005000 +[file] 1001005 WGNPN_FILE 1005001 +[policy_user] 1005001 WGNPN_POLICY 1005002 +[owner] 1005002 WGNPN_OWNER 1005003 +[creator] 1005003 WGNPN_CREATOR 1005004 +[associated] 1005004 WGNPN_ASSOCIATED 1005005 +[host] 1005005 WGNPN_HOST 1005006 +[src] 1005006 WGNPN_SRC 1005007 +[dest] 1005007 WGNPN_DEST
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