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How to Install a Disaster Recovery Deployment

To verify that you correctly subscribe the disaster recovery components to each other, you setup the production and disaster recovery components in the order specified in the following process.

A disaster recovery configuration makes it easier to restore your Enterprise Management Server components in the event of a catastrophic system failure. You may need to back up other CA ControlMinder components separately, for example the central database (RDBMS).

Important!: You cannot restore a DMS from backup files that use another operating environment or version of CA ControlMinder. Verify that the production and disaster recovery environments are deployed on identical platforms, operating systems, and versions of CA ControlMinder.

Note: This process assumes that you installed the DMS and DH on separate hosts.

The following process describes how to install a disaster recovery deployment:

  1. Set up the production Enterprise Management Sever
  2. Set up the disaster recovery Enterprise Management Server
  3. Configure databases replication between the production and disaster recovery servers
  4. Configure DMS subscriptions
  5. Synchronize the Message Queue servers data files
  6. Set up an endpoint.

Note: We recommend that you install the RDBMS over a cluster or any other method that allows data synchronization between sites.