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Configure the DMS Subscription

The disaster recovery Enterprise Management Server is a subscriber of the production Enterprise Management Server. Therefore, its database contains the same information about policy versions, policy scripts, and endpoint deployment status as the production Enterprise Management Server.

You configure the database of the disaster recovery Enterprise Management Server as a subscriber of the production Enterprise Management Server to synchronize the two databases.

To configure the DMS subscription

  1. Move to the disaster recovery Enterprise Management Server.
  2. Define the production Enterprise Management Server as the parent of the disaster recovery Enterprise Management Server. Run the following command:
    env pmd
    subs drpmd_name parentpmd(<pr_dms_pmdname>@pr_host)

    Defines the name of the disaster recovery PMDB.

  3. Move to the production Enterprise Management Server:
  4. Run the following command:
    sepmd -n prDMS_name drDMS_name

    Defines the name of the production DMS.


    Defines the name of the disaster recovery DMS. Specify the disaster recovery DMS in the following format: drDMS_name@hostname.

The disaster recovery Enterprise Management Server is subscribed to and synchronized with the production Enterprise Management Server.