Troubleshooting Guide › Installing CA ControlMinder Endpoints and Server Components › Modify the Oracle Database Host Settings After Installation
Modify the Oracle Database Host Settings After Installation
After installing the Enterprise Management Server, I need to modify the Oracle database server settings to point to a different server.
You can modify the Enterprise Management Server to work with an Oracle database on a different host after installation:
- Stop the JBoss application server service on the Enterprise Management Server.
- Backup the Oracle database on the current host.
- Restore the Oracle database on the new host.
- Navigate to the following directory, where JBoss_HOME indicates the directory where you installed JBoss:
- Locate and back up the following files:
- imauditdb-ds.xml
- imquartzdb-ds.xml
- imtaskpersistencedb-ds.xml
- imworkflowdb-ds.xml
- objectstore-ds.xml
- reportsnapshot-ds.xml
- Open each file and locate the <connection-url> entry.
- Modify the connection settings to specify the new Oracle database host name. For example:
- Start the JBoss application server service.
You have modified the Oracle database host settings.
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