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Assign the Policy to Hosts

You can assign the latest finalized policy version to specific hosts or to host groups to implement the policy rules. Once assigned, the policy is automatically deployed and you can monitor the policy status from the DMS.

Note: This procedure does not apply to login and configuration policies. For more information about login policies, see the Manage UNAB Login Authorization section. For more information about configuration policies, see the Configure a UNAB Host or Host Group section.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management Policy Management tab, click Policy and the Policy task.

    The Policy task tree appears on the left.

  2. Click Assignment and Assign Policy in the Policy task tree.

    The Assign Policy wizard appears.

  3. Complete the wizard and click Finish after you read the summary.

    The Assign Policy, Task completed field appears indicating the policy is deployed on the host and the policy rules are implemented.

Note: You can also use the policydeploy utility to perform this task. For more information about the policydeploy utility, see the Reference Guide.