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Upgrade the Enterprise Management Server

This procedure describes the steps you follow to upgrade the Enterprise Management Server and the post installation steps that you need to do.

Follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management r12.0 SP1.

    Note: For information about uninstalling CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management r12.0 SP1, see the Implementation Guide for that release.

  2. Uninstall the existing JDK and JBoss.
  3. Install prerequisite software.
  4. Install CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management.

    CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management also installs the following:

    Important! You must specify to use an embedded user store when you install CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management.

  5. Update the database schema by running the supplied scripts if the reporting database schema is not identical to the schema on CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management.
  6. (Optional) Configure secure communication for JBoss.
  7. Disable the DMS and DH on CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management. Run the following command:
    dmsmgr -remove -auto

    Important! Complete this step only if the DMS is installed on a separate computer than CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management.

    Note: After upgrading the existing DMS is no longer available. Upgrade the DMS after installing the new Enterprise Management Server. For more information about the dmsmgr utility, see the Reference Guide.

The new Enterprise Management Server is installed. You must now upgrade the DMS and Distribution Host before you start CA ControlMinder Enterprise Management.