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Checking and Processing Transactions

When Dual Control is activated, the checker needs process transactions created by a maker.

To check a transaction

  1. Make sure the following is true:
  2. Navigate to the ACInstallDir/bin path

    where ACInstallDir is the installation directory for CA ControlMinder, by default /opt/CA/AccessControl

  3. View the transactions that are waiting to be processed before execution:
    sepmd ‑m la

    Or, view all the transactions except the transactions that you yourself created:

    sepmd ‑m lo

    Each transaction includes the name of the maker, the ID number of the transaction, and the name or description of the transaction.

  4. Lock the transactions before processing them:
    sepmd ‑m r transactionId

    Note: A locked transaction cannot be changed.

  5. Process the transaction:
    sepmd ‑m p transactionId code

    Can be one of the following:

    • 0—The transaction is rejected.

      In this case, all the commands in the transaction are deleted and no changes are implemented in the PMDB.

    • 1—The transaction is authorized.

      The commands in the transaction are immediately implemented in the PMDB.

    • 2—The transaction is unlocked.

      The transaction returns to the queue of waiting transactions and can be processed later, perhaps by a different checker.

    A message appears stating which commands were successful and which failed.

Note: For more information on makers and checkers, see the sepmd utility in the Reference Guide and the start_transaction command in the selang Reference Guide.