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Create or Edit Transactions

When Dual Control is activated, the maker needs to create transactions before these are processed by a checker.

To create a transaction

  1. Make sure the following is true:
  2. Connect to the maker PMDB:
    hosts maker@

    The hosts command connects you to the PMDB (maker). When Dual Control is activated, the name of the PMDB is always “maker.” After you enter the hosts command, a message reports whether the connection to the host is successful or not.

  3. Start the transaction:
    start_transaction transactionName

    Use start_transaction command as the first step when entering or updating a transaction. You can describe the transaction or give it any name you want, up to 256 alphanumeric characters.

  4. Enter your transaction.

    This is a list of commands. For example:

    newusr mary owner(bob) audit(failure,loginfailure)
    chres TERMINAL tty30 defaccess(read) \
  5. End the transaction:

    The transaction is complete; you are presented with the unique ID number assigned to your transaction. The commands are placed in a file, where you can still access and change them until a checker, in preparation for processing, locks them.

    Note: Make sure you record the transaction ID number if you want to be able to edit the transaction later.

To edit a transaction

Command with Parameter


sepmd ‑m l

Lists the unprocessed transactions of the user who invoked the parameter.

sepmd ‑m la

Lists all the transactions of all the makers that are waiting to be processed.

sepmd ‑m lo

Lists the transactions of all the makers except those of the user who invoked the parameter

Each transaction in the list includes the name of the maker, the ID number of the transaction, and a description of the transaction, if the maker entered one.