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Event Management commands require that the DNS host name of the target system is specified rather than its CAICCI SYSID. By default, CAICCI uses the nodename that is specified with the VMCF subsystem definition in SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNxx as its default TCP/IP DNS host name. If the VMCF nodename is not a valid host name, the HOSTNAME control option can be used to assign the correct host name.

This control option is optional. Entering this control option as a command when CAICCI is active and you receive the following message:

CAS9604W - CAICCI - Can not alter HOSTNAME when CCI Active

This control option has the following operands:


The 1 through 24 character hostname that is assigned as the default TCP/IP DNS host name for the local CAICCI system.

If this parameter is omitted, the VMCF subsystem nodename is assigned as the default TCP/IP DNS host name for the local CAICCI system.


The FORCE operand lets the HOSTNAME control option be entered as a command when CAICCI is active. Changing the host name does not affect the internal operation of CAICCI. However, a local or remote CAICCI application can have obtained the previous hostname. Assigning a new host name midstream can cause this application to generate invalid output or operate incorrectly. A recycle of the application or CAICCI can be necessary.

Example (ENFPARMS)