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NODB bypasses the initialization and preparation of the CAIENF event recording database (such as CA Datacom/AD). Use this option when the CAIENF database is not installed or is not used. If CAIENF is operating without a database, events are processed real-time and CAIENF event logging does not occur. CAIENF event management services such as checkpoint and archive/retrieval, are only available with a database.

NODB is a startup-only option and cannot be issued as a command once CAIENF is started.

Do not confuse NODB with RECORD(NO). Even though RECORD(NO) disables the logging of events to the database, RECORD has no effect on database availability or operability. If NODB is omitted and RECORD(NO) is specified as a startup option, CAIENF still performs database initialization and preparation. This lets a RECORD(YES) command be issued at a more suitable time.

Important! Specifying NODB with the startup option RECORD(YES) is a conflict that results in the posting of message CAS9216E and CAIENF startup termination.