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PROTSEC specifies XCF and XES type links as secure connections. This parameter does not enable encrypted data to flow on said connections, but rather to flag XCF and XES type links as secure physical connections. The PROTSEC parm must be specified on both systems that are involved in an XCF or XES connection for the link to be considered secure.

The PROTSEC parm may not function as a CAICCI console command because it must be issued before a link becomes active. Most of the links become active at CAIENF startup time, making it necessary to insert PROTSEC before any NODE or CONNECT statements in the CAICCI parameter file. You can issue PROTSEC as a CCI command if you ensure that the XCF link starts after the command is issued on both ends of the connection.

To make the connection after PROTSEC is issued as a console command


  1. Force a disconnection using the z/OS SETXCF STOP,PATHIN,DEVICE=xxx command.
  2. Issue the PROTSEC command on both systems involved.
  3. Issue the z/OS SETXCF START,PATHIN,DEVICE=xxx command to reestablish the connection.

Options that must be entered are in the following table. Separate multiple options with a comma.




Flag XCF links as secure physical links.


Flag XES links as secure physical links.

Example (ENFPARMS)