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If the CAICCI daemons are not running on the Unix, Linux or Windows remote system, stop and restart Enterprise Management on those remote systems.

To stop Enterprise Management

$CAIGLBL0000/scripts/unishutdown all

Once executed, wait for the "Enterprise Management Shutdown Complete" message before attempting to restart.

To restart Enterprise Management

$CAIGLBL0000/scripts/unistart all

Environment Variables


Must be set for stardaemon to run properly.


Location of temporary files.


Causes stardaemon to execute in the foreground, and debug messages are displayed from both the stardaemon and programs that it invokes. We do not recommend running the stardaemon with the CAISTARDEBUG set except when debugging a problem.

star.config File Settings

The stardaemon reads the star.config file, and then begins processing requests from clients. The following variables, if set in the star.config file, impact the way the stardaemon acts:


If the value is set to 1, users must log in to the stardaemon through utilities that are provided on the client computer before accessing functions on the Enterprise Management STAR server.

Note: If the LOGON_TIMEOUT is also specified, a user login to the stardaemon can expire. The user is required to log in again to the stardaemon, even though they were successfully able to access functions moments before. At stardaemon termination, the current logins are saved to the file. These logins are reloaded when the server is restarted.


Indicates the maximum time a process that the stardaemon started is allowed to run.

Requests from clients usually cause more programs to be executed asynchronously from the stardaemon. These programs are defined in the file. By setting a TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT value, you can prevent processes from "running away" or hanging indefinitely. A value of 0 (zero) means that there is no time-out.