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unicntrl-Start Enterprise Management Functions

Applies to UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

To start Enterprise Management, an Enterprise Management function, or a common object, use the unicntrl command. The command provides a convenient way to start one or more Enterprise Management functions that have been shut down without restarting Enterprise Management.


unicntrl command [keywords]

Applies to Windows only

[SERVER nodename]



Stops the specified CA NSM component on the node that is named in SERVER.


Starts the specified CA NSM component on the node that is named in SERVER.

PAUSE Applies to Windows only

Pauses the specified CA NSM component on the node that is named in SERVER.

RESUME Applies to Windows only

Resumes running the specified CA NSM component on the node that is named in SERVER.

Default: START


Identifies one or more of the following Enterprise Management functions or common objects. Use a space between multiple keywords.

Note: Check that you have all the components installed. Options for components that are not installed are ignored.

asm Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

File Management function

com Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Common CA NSM components

opr Event Management function

prb Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Problem Management function

rpt Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Report Management function

sch Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Job Management Option function

sec Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

Security Management function

uni Applies to Windows only -

The default configuration that is found in the CAICFG.GLO file.

all Applies to UNIX/Linux and Windows only -

The default configuration that is found in the CAICFG.GLO file.

Default: uni | all

SERVER nodename

Applies to Windows only

Name of a remote CA NSM (Windows only) node you want to control.


Applies to Windows only

Trace of the specified CA NSM component on the remote computer.


%CAIGLBL0000%\bin\uncntrl.exe for windows

$CAIGLBL0000/bin/unicntrl for z/OS


unicntrl start opr

Starts the Event Management function.