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ldmib - Load MIB Definitions

Valid on UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

ldmib loads the MIB definition that is associated with an agent into sadmin Store. awservices must be running for this program to run successfully. The ldmib utility loads (or removes) a MIB whose definitions are encoded in SNMP concise MIB format as specified in RFC 1212, or in concise trap format as specified in RFC 1215.

Text messages indicate syntax errors that are found in the MIB definition file.



UNIX/Linux, z/OS





ldmib [-h hostName] -n mibName -m mibFile [-i|-r]
-h hostName

Host name or IP address of the node on which the common services are running.

Default: local node

-n mibName

Symbolic name of a node that is defined in the MIB definition file the mibFile specifies. This symbolic name becomes the top OID of the MIB.

Note: This parameter is not required if the first line of the MIB contains the following line:

--MibName = mibname

This OID does not need to be the top-level node that is defined in the file. The OID can be any symbolic name that appears to the left of an ASN.1 expression like the following that is included in the MIB definition file:

mibName ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER {xxxx n}

If the specified attribute is not the top-level node that is defined in the file, the resulting MIB loaded into sadmin Store includes only those branches of the tree below the specified node.

Note: This attribute is case sensitive and must be specified exactly as it appears in the text file.

-m mibFile

Name of the text file that holds the ASN.1-encoded definitions for the MIB attributes you want to load into sadmin Store. The MIB definitions in the file must be in RFC 1212 or RFC 1215 format. The file name must end with the .TXT extension.


Generates an include file containing C# define statements for every object name in the specified MIB definition file. The comment lines in the include file also document the fully qualified OID of each MIB object.

The include file has the same name as the MIB definition file with the extension .h instead of .TXT.


Removes the specified MIB definitions from sadmin Store.


To load the MIB definition file for the Example Agent, exagent, enter the following command:

ldmib  -n exagent  -m "//'$AWORKS_MVS_PREFIX.MIBLIB(EXAGENT)' "

If the MIB definition is loaded successfully into sadmin Store, ldmib displays the following output:

ldmib: successful completion