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ldconfig-Load Agent Configuration Files

Valid on UNIX/Linux, Windows, z/OS

ldconfig loads configuration data from an agent configuration file into sadmin Store. The common services must be running for this program to run successfully. This utility loads startup information that is contained in your agent configuration file into named sets of configuration data in the aws_sadmin store. The text messages indicate syntax errors that are found in the configuration text file.


If you run this command as a batch job under z/OS, the configuration file for the example agent resides in &CAI.CAIPOTN(EXAGCFG).



UNIX/Linux, z/OS





ldconfig [-r][-h host] fileName [-d level -f logfile] [mibName:configName] 
[-d level -f logfile]

Removes the configuration set associated with the MIB from sadmin Store. This action has no effect on the agent at the time of the removal because the agent runs with its own copy. When the agent is stopped and restarted again, the agent cannot load the removed configuration set.

-h host

Host name or IP address of the target node into which the configuration data is loaded.

Default: local node


Full configuration file name.


Associated MIB and configuration file name.

-d level

Debug or logging level.

-f logfile

Name of the log file in to which the debugging or logging information is sent.